Version 0.10 is released
A new release 0.10 have relatively small changes, but they seem useful in some way.
New features
Auto-link new subgoals to the given goal #181
A little bit of automation was added into Sieben.
Sometimes, it would be useful to connect a new subgoal with two parents at once.
With a new tilde hotkey (`
), it becomes easy.
With this hotkey, we could define a pattern that’s used to bind new subgoals to the given node. All subgoals matching pattern provided will be automatically linked to it.
Autolink works on any name change: creation of new goals and rename of existing ones.
It’s most useful when you have a complex structural flow. Works seamlessly with all other features like zoom or view changes.
To get rid of autolinking, select a node it owns, press `
again, and then enter an empty value.
It will remove automation, but all existing links will be preserved.
Try alternatives to Qt #255 (still in progress)
Most of the efforts was left in this ticket.
I tried different UI engines, and stopped on DearPyGui.
It’s a GUI webkit that’s installed as a pure Python dependency and provides a broad list of features.
A DPG version of SiebenApp could be run by invoking ./sieben_dpg <path-to-db>
from the project root directory.
It looks like this:
A “classic” Qt5 view of the same goaltree:
DPG version still lacks few UI elements that exist in Qt version: view radio buttons, menu, help/about dialogs. It’s not much difficult to add all of this. What warns me more, this version has several visual glitches I’ve tired to fight. Also, it loses to Qt5 version in performance on large goal trees. Due to these issues, I’m not ready yet to get rid of Qt5 right now.
After some rest, I plan to continue this work. DearPyGui still looks promising, and during this task I’ve also made few improvements on rendering engine making Qt5 version better too.
Other minor fixes
More changes are available in the changelog file.
Future plans
In the next release, I’d prefer to focus mainly on sieben-manage
I need some rest after exausting work on the new GUI engine.