Hi there!

I’ve been down for few months - probably because of being overloaded of so much stuff to publish. Fortunately, this dark period comes to its end.

But first I want to reset visual blog style. It’s become too 2012-ish. It was hard to read, especially on mobile devices.

Just compare new (left) and old (right) styles of the same page taken from the same device.

new and old look

Which one is better?

Interesting, but resetting theme to default was not so trivial. I’ve tried it several times, but failed. Jekyll has a tool to aid migration from other publishing systems, but not from the old version from itself! The only working way was a total “rewrite from scratch”:

  • Delete all old Jekyll files (_config.yml, _includes, _layouts, assets and few others)
  • Copy new ones created by the jekyll new command
  • Fix all important issues and deal with others

Now it’s time to back to more interesting content. I’ll be back soon. Please stay tuned.